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Who are we :

The movie collective is a team of around ten folks with different artistic and cinema experiences, who aren’t currently working full time in the cinema field. We are defining ourselves as a queer crew who evolve into communities that apply radical and anti-authoritarian practices. That’s why we aim, through this project, to take upon the challenge of directing and producing this cinematographic work non-hierarchically.

*Four of us are taking part of the Jeunes volontaires program through this movie project.


Hron, A Country of Ghosts’ storyline takes place in an alternate reality where the Borolian Empire is in a colonial conquest era. In that world’s recent past, Borolia won the war against Voronnia, a bordering country. The story unfolds as Borolia seeks to expand its borders beyond the Cerracs, a mountainous territory believed to be uninhabited but useful in terms of resources as iron and coal. What they don’t know is that the Cerracs has been home to a confederation of autonomous anarchist villages, called Hron, for about a century.

This is why we wish to keep away from the trends that tend to romanticize and sensationalize realities linked to war and its violences. Hron’s militia isn’t fighting to obtain heroic glory, but by necessity, by survival. That’s a distinction that will feed our artistic treatment.